Thanks to Stephen Force (aka Steve Tupper) of the Airspeed podcast, we were invited to appear on a special “Aviation Podcasters” event being held on Sun N Fun Radio at the Sun N Fun air show. We were on first and, given the joys of timezones, it meant an early morning start for us to be on the show. For Steve it was 8am in Melbourne but for Grant it was 5am in Indonesia where he’s working at the moment.
So despite a bit of a lag and a very flakey connection in Indonesia, we managed to do our bit on the show. It was a lot of fun and we really enjoyed the opportunity to hang out and chat for a bit.
If only we could have been there, rather than connecting via Skype. Oh well :)
Steve and Grant,
It was great having you on the show at Sun ‘n Fun Radio! I really wish the connection had been better on Skype, but despite the difficulties, you finally made it to Sun ‘n Fun. I think next year we kick Skype to the curb and get you guys to come do a show live in person. What do you think?
Hi David,
Thanks for having us on the show – it was a hoot, even if I did have massive problems with the ‘net connection. Heck, to be honest I was amazed I even managed to get on and hold a conversation :)
Definitely think an “in person down under team” is the go for next year. Now, the fun part is how the hell we’re going to pay for it… :)