The Plane Crazy Down Under podcast provides a great alternative to traditional media for promoting your aviation related business or activity. We can provide an easy & inexpensive delivery mechanism that helps to spread your message to a large group of aviation professionals & enthusiasts. Our audience is primarily in Australia & New Zealand with the majority of our foreign listeners located in North America and represents the growing online aviation community.

Each episode we produce is downloaded by well over 2,000 targeted listeners (our popular episodes reach over 8,000 downloads) and remains on our site indefinitely, ensuring your message goes out to a receptive audience and remains in circulation long after it first went to air. We are able to provide you with a 30 second slot for your advertisement that will appear between segments in an episode. Whether a conversational infomercial or radio style advertisement, you can provide your own audio content or we can produce it for you in house or through our partnership with other professional developers. We will work with you to produce an advertisement that suits your style and budget.

In addition to including audio advertisements on our show, our website also displays promotional images in three sections on the page (page header banner & two vertical positions on the right hand side). Images can also be displayed on other sites in the Southern Skies Online Media network and weekly reports are automatically produced showing impressions & click throughs.

We also have an Advertisers & Supporters page which lists all organisations that have ever advertised with us, their promotional image and a link to their site.

Email us on or call Grant on 0422 914 949 if you would like a copy of our rate card.